Cowboy Orchestra explained

So, after several requests to collect the stories of the summer of 2007 in one place I have finally caved. I'm going to do my best to retell the adventures and misadventures of my '07 expedition and will from time to time post updates as my 2008 journey gets under way.

Cowboy Orchestra: In 40 days last summer we logged nearly 5,000 miles in two rented 15-passenger vans. We traveled through seven states and three Canadian provinces, and did not get pulled over once. Three days into the trip we decided that our behemoth vehicles could no longer simply be the white and the gray vans. A magazine belonging to one of our campers, containing a fold out photo spread of "Burt Reynolds," saw the christening of the gray van as Burt Reynolds. And, after a stop at the famed Waldrug of South Dakota, the gray van was named in honor of an animatronic (not sure on the spelling there) band and became "Cowboy Orchestra featuring the Chuck Wagon." The name was more than fitting as the white van was also hauling a beastly white trailer. Eventually, after the death of our original trailer, the name would evolve to "Cowboy Orchestra featuring the Corn Palace formerly known as the Chuck Wagon."

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